The Best at Home Date Night Ideas

Having kids changes the game, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end. Make time to keep dating your partner even if you have to stay home. Check out these fun and creative at home date night ideas that are perfect for any couple! #dateyourspouse #…

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David and I have always made quality time with each other a priority way before we were even married. I mean, it’s the love language for both of us so nothing has changed since we’ve gotten married and become parents. What has changed is that there is limited time, we have to plan, and lots of times we may not be able to go out freely like we used to because we don’t have a sitter. Date ideas for married couples are easy to think of, but we’ve learned that you just have to get creative. If you can’t go to the date, bring the date to you! Here are several cute at home date night ideas that you can do with your partner even when the kids are asleep!

Get into these at home date night ideas that will give you quality time with your partner.

  1. Make popcorn and have a movie marathon.

    One of me and David’s favorite things to do is to watch movies. After we become parents we really couldn’t go to the theater for the midnight movie like we loved to do. Take the time to get some real popcorn kernels, pop some good, buttery popcorn, and find some late night movies to watch for your at home date night!

  2. Netflix, massage, and chill.

    This is our version of what the youngins call “Netflix and chill”. We find a good movie or comedy special on Netflix, break out some warm massage oil, and give each other a nice back massages. There’s nothing like having your partner give you a nice massage after a long day, or even a long week.

  3. Make it a board and/or card game night.

    We love playing games. David is so competitive, but I love to play games for the fun. Break out the old school Sorry, Monopoly, or even Operation. You’d be surprised at just how much fun these childhood games are for an at home date night idea, especially when you add a few libations to the mix!

  4. Have a bourbon tasting and share a cigar.

    David loves bourbon and he’s made me a fan, so we try different top shelf brands pretty often and make it a a part of our home date nights. We even take it a step further and share a cigar alongside our bourbon just to feel extra luxurious at times - since we don’t get out as much as we used to.

  5. Order take out by candlelight.

    Take out delivery services are our favs! They actually have some great restaurant options for reservation style dinners. Order from a nice italian spot, or even a steakhouse if you have that option. Set up some nice plating and candle light in your bedroom for your at home date night. It’s super romantic!

  6. Plan a spa night.

    Facials aren’t just for ladies. They’re for guys too! Pre plan and pick up your cleanser, masks, and moisturizer beforehand so you have everything you need. As soon as the kids are down get into your terry robes and do each other’s facials! It’s a great bonding experience that makes for a wonderful date at home.

  7. Do a Pay Per View Night.

    Pay Per View is a definite luxury that we don’t often use since we’re really focused on cutting back and saving. But, we agree that every now again we can make an exception to do it for an at home date night activity. We’ll catch anything from boxing to new movies, and add some junky food like chips and dip or even burger and fries to the mix!

  8. Indulge in breakfast for dinner.

    Who doesn’t love pancakes and bacon at any hour?!? We use to make random waffle house runs at 1 am, but that’s not really possible now. So instead, we make our own waffles, and maybe even fry up some chicken wings for a chicken and waffle meal. It really gets us in the feel of a good after club time…..even though we haven’t been to the club in years LOL.

  9. Set up a dessert bar.

    Gather some of your favorite desserts and make a scrumptious dessert bar for your at home date night with your sweetie. Everything from baked cookies to ingredients for a banana split will work.

  10. Take a warm bubble bath together.

    Let’s talk about finding intimacy through relaxation as a couple! If you’re lucky enough to have a tub large enough for the both of you, light some candles, pour some bubbles, and set up a nice warm bubble bath for your date night at home. You can even set up some music and have glasses of champagne to set the mood and have some good conversation.

  11. Catch up on reality TV.

    One of me and David’s guilty pleasure is trash reality television shows. We don’t get to watch them real time most times because we’re usually spending those prime time television hours doing something else. If you have DVR, set it to record your favorite reality television shows and bin watch them for hours to catch up on all the mess you missed! HAHA!

  12. Schedule a cooking date.

    Both David and I do cooking at home, even though he swears he is a better home chef than I. You can schedule a cooking date for the both of you by deciding on a nice, gourmet meal you’d like to cook together, order the food before hand, and start cooking your meal together after you’ve put the kids down for bed.

  13. Have an In home couples massage.

    Again, there’s nothing like relaxing together. After a long week of chasing around the kids and dealing with the stress of work both of you deserve it! There are plenty of places that offer mobile massages like Zeel. Order a couples massage for both of you to enjoy together in the comfort of your own home.

I hope these creative ideas give you some doable options to keep the spark in your marriage and have an at home date night when going out just isn’t possible. Remember, quality time is important, and there’s no time like the present to make time for your partner!

What do you think of these ideas to spend a date night at home with your partner? Comment below and let me know!





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