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85 Boost Your Body Confidence Affirmations for Self Love

Are you using affirmations for self love?

If not, you are truly missing out. Self love is important for every woman in any stage of life. And a major component of self love is body confidence. Confidence in your body means you’re happy within your own skin — shape, size, color everything! The mind and body are so intertwined, you can’t truly be at peace with one if you’re not at peace with the other. With social media, the entertainment industry, we’re constantly comparing ourselves to others and comparison is the thief of joy.

While some of us have gotten better about accepting our bodies or have even overcome our lack of confidence, not all of us are there. And you may have times in your life when you feel more confident than others. Maybe you just had a baby and are learning to appreciate your postpartum body, or maybe you’ve added some extra curves, are battling an illness or have body changes simply due to getting older.

How Can Affirmations of Self Love Help My Body Confidence?

Body confidence is how you feel about how you look. When we truly have body confidence accept and love our bodies, how they look, and what they do for us.

Me personally, I’ve always struggled with my body confidence and have been so overly self-critical. I was never happy with my size and my weight fluctuated up and down because I longed to look like someone I’d seen on TV that I felt was the standard of beauty I should be striving for. I hadn’t even worn a pair of shorts since I graduated high school because I was so insecure and self conscious of how I felt my thighs looked. My other truth is I hadn’t even worn a dress since my wedding day 5 years ago. Why? Again, simply because I didn’t have my own self love for body confidence. This year though, I took a leap and put on that dress AND a pair of short shorts! You know what? If felt GOOD. Real good. And I look at myself and I know I am beautiful.

Whatever your situation, reciting affirmations for self love and confidence can transform the relationship you have with your body. I practice this in my own life and also encourage it for my child.

What is a Positive Affirmation for Self Love?

An affirmation is a positive statement that helps to overcome your negative thoughts and feelings. They help to reinforce positive thoughts and energy. Reciting a morning affirmation at the beginning of your day can lead to more productive thoughts, a positive attitude, and can ultimately change the way you approach daily challenges.

Positive affirmations are one of the focuses for my blog because I know they work!

So, here are some daily affirmations for self love that will boost your body confidence and help you claim your self worth.

RELATED: Affirmations for Self-Love You Need to Boost Your Confidence

Affirmations for Self Love and Body Confidence:

  1. I will not let my mind be a bully to my body.

  2. I let go of negative self-talk.

  3. I love the body I was born with.

  4. I am a special person and am one of a kind.

  5. I have a loving relationship with my body.

  6. Imperfections are part of the beauty of life.

  7. I love myself.

  8. I have power to change anything I want.

  9. There are no blocks I cannot overcome.

  10. I am worthy of love.

  11. Peace and happiness are inside of me.

  12. I treat my body with care and love.

  13. I am strong and healthy.

  14. I deserve happiness.

  15. I am compassionate with others and myself.

  16. I feel joyful to look at how far I've come.

  17. I choose to think positively about myself.

  18. I nourish my body everyday.

  19. I am beautiful, intelligent, fun and full of life.

  20. I am kind to myself.

  21. I am surrounded by grace and positivity.

  22. I am strong, beautiful and confident.

  23. I am my best source of motivation.

  24. I wake in the morning, loving myself.

  25. I am human.

  26. I am enough.

  27. I am perfect just the way I am.

  28. I am full of vitality.

  29. I accept all of me with love.

  30. I nourish my body, mind and soul.

  31. I respect myself and others appreciate me.

  32. I let my light shine bright.

  33. My body deserves love.

  34. I am beautifully unique.

  35. I am becoming a better version of myself one day at a time.

  36. Self-worth has nothing to do with clothing size.

  37. I allow myself to love who I am, not who I think I should be.

  38. The love I give myself is reflected in all areas of my life.

  39. I am whole and complete.

  40. I release all shame about my body.

  41. I release my feelings of guilt and negativity.

  42. I rest when my body and mind tell me to.

  43. I give praise to myself and to others naturally and effortlessly.

  44. My weight, looks and body do not determine my worth.

  45. I accept my body the way it is today.

  46. I allow everything to be as it is.

  47. I say goodbye to self-pity.

  48. There is nothing I need to do or be to earn love or respect.

  49. My body is beautiful exactly the way it is.

  50. My body tells me what it needs and I listen.

  51. I allow myself to heal.

  52. I embrace positive thoughts.

  53. The more I let go, there better I feel.

  54. I choose to stop obsessing about my body.

  55. I am worthy of the compliments I receive.

  56. My power is on the inside.

  57. My life is a blessing.

  58. I am grateful for this mind, this body, this soul.

  59. Nothing is more potent than my belief in me.

  60. I respect my limitations and am grateful for the capabilities I have.

  61. I treat myself with respect and honor.

  62. There is more to life than worrying about how I look.

  63. I am creative, strong, powerful, brave and inspired.

  64. I view myself through kind eyes.

  65. The only approval I need is my own.

  66. I deserve to feel good in my skin.

  67. I am deeply grateful for my body, my health, and my unique talents.

  68. Each day, I am more and more aware of my innate beauty, creativity and abundance.

  69. I have much self-worth and inner beauty.

  70. I love my body and everything it can do.

  71. Weight is just a number.

  72. I am gentle with myself, like a friend.

  73. I look exactly the way I'm supposed to.

  74. I radiate self-confidence.

  75. Worrying about what others think is only a distraction to living courageously.

  76. I love who I am inside and out.

  77. I strive to get better, not perfect.

  78. I am at peace with my appearance.

  79. I naturally feel good about myself.

  80. My body is a gift.

  81. I do not expect myself to be perfect.

  82. My body is my friend.

  83. I let go of what I cannot change.

  84. My body does amazing things.

  85. Life does not begin at my goal weight, it’s happening now!

RELATED: Positive Morning Affirmations for Moms all Around the World

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Do Self Love Affirmations Work?

Affirmations for self love aren’t just pretty phrases. There is real science behind these mantras that can translate into real changes in your life. The catch is that you have to put real effort and action behind them. For example, if you repeat to yourself that you are capable of success and happiness, you need to believe on those words and let them propel you to make moves toward your goals and dreams.

Keep your affirmations in plain view so you see them often. These constant and daily reminders will keep your mind engaged toward your desired mindset and missions.

You can use sticky notes to post them around your home or bathroom mirror, create a vision board, place a white board in your mudroom as you exit your home, or whatever method best suites your life and routine.

RELATED: 55 Morning Affirmations and Quotes for Black Women to Empower Themselves Daily

What did you think of this list? I hope you’ll use these affirmations for self worth to build your self esteem and boost your body confidence. As women, we can always use encouragement from others, but the best source of strength is from within. These affirmations for self love will draw out that inner strength we ALL posses!

If you liked these affirmations for self love and confidence to love your body, be sure to check out, 55 Action Affirmations You Need to Get Things Done Today! and How to Meet Your Fitness Goals.

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