How to Meet Your Fitness Goals

This post is sponsored by Gixo but all opinions are based upon my own experiences. Thank you for sharing this post and supporting brands that make this blog possible.

How to meet your fitness goals in 2019

So it’s now the first day of the second month of the year, and we are 32 days into attempting to meet our new year resolutions. If you’re anything like me, in the past you have started the year off right with your health and fitness goals and fall off the wagon pretty soon after. In 2019, I promised myself I wouldn’t do that to myself. I’m nearly 1 year post partum and although I’ve lost all but only 7 pounds of my baby weight, I’m going for the gold and getting my early 20s body back! I give my all to my family, but this year I’m also going to start pouring into myself because I deserve it! There are just a few things I’m doing that will also help you to meet your fitness goals in 2019.

Stick to a Healthy, Realistic Diet

This is different for everyone, but you know what works for you. There’s the Adkins diet, the new and popular Keto, the Daniel fast, and several others. You can even go old school and eat what you want, in moderation, with a focus on portion control. Either way, the formula is simple: Less energy in, more energy out. Keeping your diet realistic for you is important because you know your limitations, what is for you, and what isn’t. In the end, consistency is key, so if you’re starting off with a diet plan you know you can’t live with you’re already heading down the wrong path. If you stick to a healthy, realistic diet you will be well on your way to meeting your fitness goals in 2019!

lose weight in 2019

Drink Plenty of Water, Then Drink More

I know for me, drinking enough water is a challenge, and I actually like water! Water is important because it helps boost your metabolism. It also acts as a natural cleanser to remove toxins, can act as an appetite suppressant (if you drink in between and right before meals) and also rids your body of excess fluid that you may be holding. A common recommendation is to have 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but it can vary depending upon each individual’s needs such as medical conditions, gender, weight, etc. Either way, make sure you’re drinking enough water. It will definitely lend a hand to helping you meet your fitness goals in 2019.

How to meet your fitness goals in 2019

Download and Use the Gixo Fitness App

Gixo has been instrumental in helping me reach my fitness goals so far this year. It offers live and on demand workouts taught by certified trainers, 24/7. I can schedule my workouts in between meetings at work, early in the morning before the house wakes up, or later at night when the house is asleep. The convenience is unmatched! Classes offered include cardio (walking and running), weights, yoga, HIIT, and several others. I like the variety because I know I won’t get bored. I also love that the trainers in the classes will modify your workout based on your progress, so you know you’re being monitored and will get a great work out. Even more, the classes are offered in 15, 25, and 40 minute options. This way, even if I can’t get in my ideal 40-60 minute workout on any given day, I know I still can put in a quick 15-minute workout and not miss my fitness goal for that day!

Gixo is a great option for anyone that is busy and on the go, like us moms! It has been the one thing that has given me a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to consistency in my work out. I’ll be using Gixo to meet my fitness goals all 2019 because like I said, I’m going for the GOLD!

Gixo Fitness App
Gixo fitness app
Gixo Fitness app
how to meet your fitness goals in 2019
how to meet your fitness goals in 2019
how to meet your fitness goals in 2019
how to meet your fitness goals in 2019

What are you doing to help you meet your fitness goals in 2019? Drop a line below and share!



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