6 Free Tips I Learned from Credit Repair Companies

Thank you Lexington Law Firm for sponsoring this post. Lexington Law Firm’s team understands that a credit score is not just a number; it's a lifestyle.

Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad

I lived the life in my 20s. All the online shopping I wanted, take out just about every day, and a bunch of other silly frivolous things I didn’t need. Unfortunately for me, it cost me my credit score. I learned really fast that without good credit I couldn’t get the kind of car I wanted, I wouldn’t be able to get a house, and even worse I probably wouldn’t be able to start my dream job because my credit depended on that too!

Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad
Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad

I smartened up and started taking my credit score seriously because I wanted to live a good life, and not just for myself, but more for my future children. I wanted to be able to give them a life full of the experiences I never had! I looked online for all the advice I could find from some of the best credit repair companies and by the time I was 30, I’d turned a credit score that was in the 500s to one that was over 750! Trust me, you can do the same. I want to share with you 5 free tips you can learn from credit repair companies right now to start your own credit repair journey and begin a life of financial freedom for you and your family. 

Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad
Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad

Here are 6 free tips I learned from credit repair companies to fix the damage I had done!

  1. Pull Your Credit Report for free. Someone once told me that when I know better I should do better, and I agree. At the time my credit was damaged I had no idea there was a way to pull your full credit report and let alone get it for free. I learned this by scouring FAQs of some of the best credit repair companies out there. Anyone can obtain their credit report online for free annually, and I’d recommend to anyone to use that freebie every single year.

  2. Know Where Your Credit Stands.After you’ve pulled your free credit report, do a deep dive and look at every item listed. Carefully comb through each creditor, your debts, any listed charge offs, judgements, etc. Make note of anything that appears inaccurate or erroneous, but don’t fret! Improving your credit score takes time but like I’ve already said you can do it. Everyone has the right to good credit, even if they’ve made mistakes in the past. Credit repair companies can help you with investigating inaccurate items and disputing them, if you have inaccurate items on your report, they can work with you to request. Ultimately, only the credit bureaus and creditors can remove items from your credit report. 

  3. Understand what “good” credit includes.Understand what having “good” credit looks like and identify ways that you can make your credit better. This is something that the best credit repair companies can help you with too! For me, I’d say having good credit looks like being able to apply for just about any line of credit you want and be able to get that. For me, that easily meant being able to get the house I wanted with my husband to grow our family, get the family car we’ve dreamed of, and anything else that we may want to do to live life and share those experiences with our son. So many people are denied loans for homes and cars as a result of errors on their credit report, and they can take months to correct. There’s just nothing like being able to apply for a mortgage and have peace of mind knowing that you’ll be approved because you don’t have any “dings” on your credit report.

  4. Learn what actions affect your credit.Something else credit repair companies can help you figure out is the actions that affect your credit. Did you know that just applying for a line of credit can affect the status of your credit? Yep, that’s right! There are so many different things that affect your credit that you should know what they are, become familiar with them, and make the right choices to take your credit in the direction you want.

  5. Set your personal goals.After all of this, it’s so important to set your personal goals because those are what will be the driving force in helping you to set your standard and give you something to work towards when repairing your credit. Is it a house you want? A business you need a loan for?  Maybe you have your eye on your dream car. Whatever it is, set your sights and start making the changes you need now!

  6. Trust Lexington Law Firm!I know I’ve talked a lot about how credit repair companies can help you with fixing up your damaged credit but let me tell you about the  most respected name in credit repair – Lexington Law Firm.Lexington Law Firm is built with professionals that can help you not only repair your credit, but even give you tools to help you work on  your credit score if it’s not where you want it. They believe that consumers have a right to a fair, accurate, and substantiated credit report. Lexington Law Firm advocates know how to navigate the credit repair process, understand the law, and proactively fight for their clients’ rights to good credit.Lexington Law Firm offers a variety of services and packages that can be tailored to your needs, and to make things even easier for you, they’ve built an app that provides access to best-in-class services. That way you have the information that you need in an instant, right at your fingertips!

Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see how Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad

I had to make the choice myself to get my credit in order to have everything I have now, and I still take steps to manage both mine and my husband’s credit so that we can live the life we’ve dreamed of with our son. What are you waiting for?  Start right now on your goals of financial freedom and repaired credit by contacting Lexington Law Firm. Your dreams are just around the corner!

Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad
Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 5 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad

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Are you in a credit rut and you need help? Check out these 6 free tips on how credit repair companies helped me to repair my credit, and see show Lexington Law Firm can help you too! #LetLexingtonHelp #ad