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65 Impactful Financial Affirmations to Manifest the Money You Want Now

I always have lofty financial goals and to keep myself on track I have to tell myself financial affirmations on a daily basis. It does suck sometimes that I can’t just give into my temptations with promotions for sales and commercials on TV making me want things I don’t need, but it’s taken me some time to a point where I’m financially stable. I still have work to do and I understand that I have to stay focused on my financial goals so I can achieve them. That’s when my money affirmations come in and remind me of the bigger picture: setting small financial goals now leads to bigger wealth for my family legacy.

It’s possible you were never taught the importance of managing money, saving, investing, or having good credit. Remember though, it’s never too late to start new habits and learn new things, including things that will lead to financial freedom. I made mistakes with my credit in my 20’s and was able to recover, but it wasn’t easy or fast. Financial affirmations helped me to take some of the first steps to repair my credit and pay off bills, but they also help me continue to keep my credit and finances in good standing now.

You may be wondering what financial affirmations are or more specifically, how they can help you meet your financial goals to buy a car, a home for your family, or even save for something special. Let’s get into what a financial affirmation is first.

What are financial affirmations?

Financial affirmations are short, positive statements to tell yourself to positively impact your mindset about your money and finances. You can also refer to financial affirmations as money affirmations or money mantras. Money mantras empower you to feel confident about money and finances and allow you to attract abundance into your life. No matter where you are financially - from car repossession, bankruptcy, to just entering the beginning stages of figuring out what to do to get where you want to be or even maintaining a good standing with your money, financial affirmations will allow you to open yourself to accept positivity and conception that having financial prosperity is meant for you and can be achieved!

As you think about financial affirmations, it’s also important to understand that you must be willing to have the mindset, but also take the actions necessary to achieve your goals.

Affirmations in general are also great to use in every aspect of life because they help you to overcome your negative thoughts and feelings about life by replacing them with positive thoughts and energy. Reciting affirmations daily can lead to more productive thoughts, a positive attitude, and can ultimately change the way you approach daily challenges. Affirmations can ultimately change your life!

The Power of Financial Affirmations

To have the successful and fulfilling financial life we all want we need to first foster optimistic and positive thoughts. Financial affirmations help us facilitate this process through fostering a positively impactful mindset. Affirming yourself with a money mantra will give you better thoughts not only about where you are currently in your money situation, but will get you excited about how you will become even more successful in that area in the future.

Financial affirmations allow you to harness the power of positive thinking to begin your journey to become successful in reaching your goals related to your finances.

65 Financial Affirmations to Tell Yourself No Matter Your Money Situation

  1. I won’t let where my financial situation is now distract me from my future.

  2. I was born to be successful.

  3. All that I want in life is all that I deserve.

  4. I attract success, happiness, and money.

  5. I deserve to create a legacy of wealth for myself and my family.

  6. I will achieve financial freedom.

  7. My finances will not defeat me.

  8. I can reach any goal I set for myself.

  9. I will conquer all of my debt.

  10. I have the right to live a debt free life.

  11. God has a financial blessing with my name on it.

  12. I speak life, wealth, health, and prosperity over my life.

  13. There is money all around me.

  14. I will set SMART goals to achieve what I want.

  15. I won’t be distracted by any obstacle.

  16. My financial goals are a reality, not a dream.

  17. I am not my financial circumstances.

  18. Money will open more doors and opportunities for a fulfilled life.

  19. I can create a budget and stick to it.

  20. I will research ways to invest my money.

  21. I can reach any income I want.

  22. I will not be affected by negative attitudes.

  23. I am smart enough to track my expenses.

  24. There are a number of ways I can earn more money.

  25. I will commit to investing in my business.

  26. I will set SMART goals to meet my financial aspirations.

  27. I have a right to negotiate my salary.

  28. I deserve to ask for all the money I want.

  29. Saving money comes naturally.

  30. I won’t procrastinate.

  31. I will set a due date for goals today.

  32. My debt does not control me.

  33. I will enjoy the money I make.

  34. I am a magnet for money.

  35. I have talents and creativity that will lead to a successful life.

  36. I will not spend money on unnecessary things.

  37. I will seek to understand the difference between assets and liabilities.

  38. I am capable of setting realistic goals.

  39. I am dedicated to getting all the money I want.

  40. I will live within my means.

  41. I like setting challenging goals.

  42. I am excited to achieve my financial goals.

  43. I will break the generational curse of financial instability.

  44. I will learn the importance of having good credit.

  45. I open myself to receiving an abundance of everything I want.

  46. I know that by taking baby steps I will achieve my money goals.

  47. I know everything I do good will come back around to me.

  48. I will create a plan to save money today.

  49. I will not spend outside of my budget.

  50. I am on the pathway to financial freedom.

  51. I deserve to set myself up for success.

  52. I will not shame myself about my financial situation.

  53. I do not have to live check to check.

  54. I can get creative about how to live a frugal life.

  55. I will research the best retirement savings plan for me.

  56. I deserve to have a financial foundation built on wealth.

  57. I will set my family up for success.

  58. I am more than my money.

  59. I am confident in my ability to learn new ideas bout money.

  60. I will be patient in my financial journey.

  61. I will work hard to achieve every financial goal I set.

  62. I won’t let what others say or do get me off track.

  63. I am committed to creating the life I want.

  64. I am dedicated to improving my relationship with my finances.

  65. I will have everything I’ve ever wanted in life.

What You Should Do with These Financial Affirmations

Everyone’s financial goals are unique to them alone. You may have aspirations to save money, invest, or splurge. No matter your motivation to achieve the next level in your successful financial affairs, know that while you can use the above financial affirmations to get your mindset on a positive track, you can and should create your own money mantras. It will have a positive impact on your outlook on your financial situation and also have a deeper meaning when you tailor your own affirmation to your own specific needs.

Reciting Financial Affirmations Daily

To have the greatest impact on your mindset, recite your affirmations often. Keep them in a place where you have easy access such as the bathroom mirror in the morning, your car, your computer, or even on your smart phone. Reciting your financial affirmations will keep you mentally accountable for your actions which will in turn reinforce the positive statements you speak regarding money and finances.

As you continue down your journey of financial freedom with a positive outlook on your money, you’ll likely notice that your efforts will begin to permeate your actions and lifestyle. You’ll hit your financial goals more quickly than you think. You’ve got this. Now, go forth and conquer it all!