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The Best 100 Affirmations for Black Women to Empower Themselves Daily

Affirmations for Black women are truly needed. If you’re a Black woman looking for words of affirmation, this is the place for you! Whether you’re looking for encouragement, positivity, or that nudge you can’t find to keep going this is the post is full of affirmations for Black women that you can use. Keep reading to find good affirmations for manifesting the life you want and harnessing the power that you have as the beautiful Black woman that you are!

Positive Affirmations for Black Women

Affirmations for Black women help mental wellness. Self care can look like many things, but using morning affirmations to speak life into you at the beginning of your day goes a long way. It’s been shown that more than the physical, your mental has a direct impact on your actions - what you do (or don’t do). As someone who’s struggled with anxiety, I know this all too well. We all get to a point in our life where we don’t want to be dominated by negativity, internally or externally, and using morning affirmations are a great way to do that.

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a positive statement that helps to overcome your negative thoughts and feelings. They help to reinforce positive thoughts and energy. Reciting a morning affirmation at the beginning of your day can lead to more productive thoughts, a positive attitude, and can ultimately change the way you approach daily challenges.

Affirmations for Black Women

Affirmations for Black women counteract negative self talk you may have as a result of negative messages about your worth and abilities from society. Using daily affirmations for Black women help with several things like:

  • Combatting negative self talk - Affirmations can help you counteract negative messages and replace them with positive, self-affirming thoughts.

  • Boosting self esteem - Affirmations can help you recognize and appreciate your unique qualities and strengths. By focusing on your positive attributes, you can boost your self-esteem and confidence.

  • Cultivating resilience - Life can be tough sometimes, and it's easy to get discouraged or give up. Affirmations can help you cultivate resilience and stay strong in the face of adversity.

How Long Does It Take For Affirmations TO WOrk

Though affirmations are popular, there are many questions about how long it takes for affirmations to work. The truth is it varies from person to person. More than anything, if you want your affirmations to start working you need to just be consistent and positive to see results!

Do affirmations for Black women boost confidence?

Positive psychology suggests that we all want to live a fulfilling life, and ultimately should foster optimistic and positive thoughts for a meaningful and quality life. Morning affirmations reinforce positive psychology for an impactful mindset of contentment and happiness. I’ve personally begun my days with praying, meditating, and morning affirmations. I’ve found with affirming myself, especially in the mirror, I have better thoughts, and generally feel better when starting my day. I even look at quotes from some of my favorite popular black women in the world to really get me going!

Do affirmations for Black women help anxiety?

Ultimately, morning affirmations are a great tools to harness for stress management and can help you begin to overcome negative thinking, anxiety, and become successful in reaching your goals related to things like:

  • career

  • finances

  • mental & physical health/wellness

  • personal projects

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Using Affirmations for Black women

Black women often have to navigate the intersection of race and gender and morning affirmations help to instill and restore our confidence. Often the ones who are touted as being “strong”, we unnecessarily hold onto things and people that don’t serve us. This can become burdensome, and we need encouraging words to uplift not only ourselves, but each other.

As a Black woman myself, I’ve dealt with the challenge of just loving who I am, and have too often compared myself to others way too much. Finally, I’m learning to love all of me - from my skin, to my hair, my body, and even my freckles.

How do I give myself a word of affirmation?

I’ve curated a list of The Best Morning Affirmations for Black women that can be recited at the beginning of your day to purify your thoughts and have a positive mindset. Because having an attitude of gratitude goes hand in hand with affirming yourself, you may see a few affirmation quotes that will also help you practice gratitude at the beginning of your day as well. Before you leave, make sure you grab the downloadable list ! Print these out, cut out each card, and place them anywhere in your home - your bathroom mirror, near the shower, on your refrigerator, and even in your car!

Shop My Favorite Self Care Must Haves!

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What are some good I am statements of affirmation for Black women?

Here is a list of The 100 Best Morning Affirmations Every Black Woman Needs to Empower Herself at the Beginning of the Day!

Affirmations for Black women on self love

  1. Today, I choose me.

  2. I know I am smart and capable.

  3. I realize I am more than my circumstances.

  4. I love the skin I am in.

  5. I have the knowledge and ability to achieve everything I want.

  6. I will speak positive words and think positive thoughts no matter the situation.

  7. I attract success.

  8. I know how to make great decisions.

  9. My black is radiantly beautiful.

  10. My hair texture is beautiful and unique.

Affirmations for Black Women on Success

  1. I control my success.

  2. Today will be a productive day.

  3. I will be the best version of myself I can be.

  4. I think in abundance, not scarcity.

  5. I manifest the great day I want to have.

  6. I choose to do great things.

  7. Today I will be full of awesome ideas.

  8. I will achieve all of my goals for the day.

  9. I will be the change I wish to see.

  10. Today I will make a positive change by doing something I have never done.

affirmations for black women on love and relationships

  1. I am a beautiful black woman who deserves love, respect, and kindness.

  2. I will show gratitude in all of my relationships.

  3. I only have positive thoughts.

  4. I respect everyone’s journey.

  5. I am a loving and caring friend.

  6. I appreciate all of my relationships.

  7. I will not settle for less than the best from myself or others.

  8. I know I can be successful and still root for my peers.

  9. I am grateful for every experience.

  10. I am worthy to love and be loved, unconditionally.

affirmations for black women on wellness

  1. I am resilient.

  2. Today I will have a kind heart.

  3. I choose my path to happiness.

  4. I understand everyone else’s problems are not mine.

  5. I will enjoy each second of every moment.

  6. I am committed to all possibilities that lead to a greater purpose.

  7. I will spend dedicated time pouring into myself.

  8. I am comfortable saying “No.” as a complete sentence.

  9. My body has done, and will continue to do amazing things. It is beautiful.

  10. I am healthy and strong.

affirmations for black women on manifestation

  1. Everything I want is everything I should have.

  2. I am created by a higher power and I know the woman I am.

  3. I attract happiness and joy into my life.

  4. I will approach all challenges with gratefulness, confidence, and zest.

  5. I will not apologize for being myself.

  6. I am comfortable in setting boundaries and sticking with them.

  7. I embrace getting out of my comfort zone to explore all the future has to offer.

  8. I will make decisions for my happiness.

  9. My future is bright.

  10. I am manifesting my success all the time.

affirmations for black women on confidence

  1. I am filled with confidence.

  2. I will be open to opportunities.

  3. I stay true to myself.

  4. I won’t let what others say or do get me off track.

  5. I am filled with positive energy and evolving with purpose every day.

  6. Today I will do something great.

  7. Today is a new day to begin again.

  8. I am thankful to see another day.

  9. I am talented and I belong in this space.

  10. I know my value and worthiness.

affirmations for black women on positivive vibes only

  1. I breathe in positivity and breath out negativity.

  2. I am creating the happiness I want in my life every day.

  3. I lean into receiving only positivity.

  4. I think positive thoughts only.

  5. I am focusing on being a better me.

  6. I know my words and thoughts influence my future.

  7. I release people and things that do not serve me for the greater good.

  8. I love myself unconditionally at all times.

  9. I am always removing negative energy and replacing it with positive energy.

  10. I keep balance and harmony in my life.

Affirmations for black women on creativity

  1. I am creative.

  2. I am driven by passion to fulfill my purpose.

  3. I have valuable thoughts and opinions that matter.

  4. My ideas are valuable and unique.

  5. I have the courage to do and accomplish all that I want.

  6. I always try my best.

  7. I will be an agent for change where I see one is needed.

  8. My work generates happiness and positivity.

  9. I deserve a seat at the table.

  10. I am committed to making a difference with my passion.

affirmations for black women on living a soft life

  1. I deserve a soft life.

  2. I take time for self care.

  3. I know all I want is all I deserve.

  4. I am surrounded by love, respect, and support.

  5. My life is filled with love and joy.

  6. I live a whole and fulfilling life.

  7. I am in control of my life.

  8. I have a beautiful day ahead of me.

  9. I make time to relax and enjoy life.

  10. I deserve to live a life of luxury.

other affirmations for black women you need

  1. My actions reflect my intentions.

  2. I resist others expectations of me, and instead focus on my own needs and wants.

  3. I know challenging myself allows for growth beyond measure.

  4. I stay organized so that I can stay productive.

  5. I am blessed and I bless others.

  6. I believe in myself and I know what I can do.

  7. I open myself to receiving an abundance of everything I want.

  8. I deserve to set myself up for success.

  9. I am a work of art.

  10. I am fully opening to rediscover who I am.

Create Your Own Affirmations

So how can you create effective affirmations for yourself? Here are some tips:

Start with "I am" statements

"I am" statements are powerful because they help you identify with the positive qualities or traits you want to cultivate. For example, you might say "I am strong and resilient" or "I am deserving of love and respect."

Use present tense

Affirmations are most effective when they are phrased in the present tense. This helps your brain to believe that the positive statement is true right now, rather than at some point in the future. For example, you might say "I am successful in my career" rather than "I will be successful in my career."

Be specific

When creating affirmations, it is important to be specific about the qualities or traits you want to cultivate. This helps to focus your attention and energy on the positive aspects of your life. For example, you might say "I am confident in my abilities as a leader" rather than "I am a good person."

Make them personal

Your affirmations should reflect your unique experiences and goals as a Black woman. Avoid generic affirmations that don't resonate with your personal experiences

Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Black Women

I hope after reading through these morning affirmations you find that you feel beautiful, smart, inspired, empowered, and ready to handle anything that may come your way.

Check me out on Instagram where I am sharing more affirmations for Black women! I mean, if we don’t root for ourselves, who will?

If you’ve felt inspiration from this post, please share it!

If you loved this post you’ll also love these Love Yourself Quotes from Inspiring Black Women, 100 Woman with Confidence Quotes from Iconic Black Women, and 55 Action Affirmations to Get Things Done Today. Until next time!

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