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How to Clean Your Baby's Gear

This post is sponsored by Dapple Baby, but all opinions are based upon my own experiences. Thank you for sharing this post and supporting brands that make this blog possible.

Though still fairly new, I’ve been doin’ this mama thing for a year now and I’ve gotten pretty comfortable. There’s still always something new to learn because my Little David keeps me on my toes at all times! One of the most difficult things I’ve had to manage is cleaning all of his gear. He’s had swings, toys, teethers, you name it! After all of the drool, stickiness from snacks, and everything else, stuff becomes a complete mess!

I’m in the process of converting my home to a non-toxic environment, and it’s lots of work. It goes without saying, but I’ve started with all of my son’s items first and found a wonderful product line I love, swear by, and use for EVERY. SINGLE. THING!

Dapple Baby has been a dream come true for our family. They offer a robust line of plant based products that effectively cleans the toughest of your baby’s messes, but without the dyes, fragrances, or fillers that are harmful to your little one’s health. A couple of my favorite products are the dishwasher detergent packs and the bottle wash. I love both of these because they are the one thing that was effective at getting all of the bottles and nipples clean and free of that film that comes with breast milk. If you are, or have breastfed you know exactly what I’m talking about! It’s so greasy and hard to remove. It’s also great with removing all the leftovers from formula as well. Needless to say, even though he’s now transitioned to a sippy cup, I have and will continue to use the bottle wash and dishwasher packs on those as well as his bowls, plates, and eating utensils.

Right now, I’m so in love with the toy and high chair cleaner because, let me tell you, my Little David can EAT! He does not hold back! Although, with that comes his huge messes. He gets stickiness and crumbs all over his table and in every crack and crevice that exists on his high chair! Luckily for me, I have the Dapple Baby toy and high chair cleaner that I truly trust. I know it’s safe because it is free of parabens, SLS, SLES, phosphates, formaldehyde, you name it. And get this…Dapple Baby was ranked number 1 in a recent dish purity study that provided compelling evidence that it has superior purity when compared to other leading brands and industry averages on key contaminants. Way to go Dapple Baby!

Dapple Baby offers an entire product line for cleaning your baby’s gear including laundry detergent, stain remover, and cleaning wipes. Plus, the bottle and dish soap comes in unscented or mildly scented options - and can also be used on the entire family’s dishes too! So what are you waiting for? Begin converting your home too and start with Dapple Baby products!

Have you found any non-negotiable products you use with your baby? If so, let me know what they are and why below!



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