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Affirmations for Self-Love You Need to Boost Your Confidence

Affirmations for self love will get you loving on yourself in no time.

Confidence is key and affirmations for self love are the way to get you there. I am all about positive affirmations for self worth! They make a big difference in my day to day life. I begin my days with waking up a bit earlier than the house, getting a warm tea, and focusing on myself by reciting affirmations along with prayer.

These mantras that are positive affirmations for self love provide me with the motivation and confidence to accomplish everything I need to do as a wife, mother and business woman. If you think affirmations are just empty words, think again! Daily affirmations for self love and healing can be powerful engines for change and positivity in our lives. Speak your reality and therefore your reality is. Plus, positive affirmations are also backed by science and positive psychology too!

What is an Affirmation For Self-Love?

An affirmation is a positive statement that helps to overcome your negative thoughts and feelings. They help to reinforce positive thoughts and energy. Reciting an affirmation at the beginning of your day can lead to more productive thoughts, a positive attitude, and can ultimately change the way you approach daily challenges. An affirmation for self- love is meant to boost your love for yourself!

Reciting Affirmations for Self-Love Creates a Positive Mind Set

Positive psychology suggests that we all want to live a fulfilling life, and ultimately should foster optimistic and positive thoughts for a meaningful and quality life. Affirmations reinforce positive psychology for an impactful mindset of contentment and happiness. I’ve personally begun my days with praying, meditating, and morning affirmations for self love. I’ve found with affirming myself, especially in the mirror, I have better thoughts, and generally feel better when starting my day. I even look at quotes from some of my favorite popular black women in the world to really get me going!

Ultimately, affirmations that boost your self worth are a great tools to harness for stress management and can help you begin to overcome negative thinking and become successful in reaching your goals related to things like:

  • career

  • finances

  • mental & physical health/wellness

  • personal projects

Self-Love Affirmations

Self-love is the best love is how the saying goes, and it rings so true. Allowing self love into your life allows you to vibrate higher and attract more light and love towards you. Loving yourself allows you to harness your own power as an individual to attract success and happiness.

Self-love affirmations should be placed in your toolkit for living a healthy and abundant life.

I’ve shared several positive affirmations for women in general and black women, specifically, and today I’m adding to that growing collection, with some affirmations for self love.

Affirmations for self-love can be recited every day and the more you recite them you’ll see a boost in your confidence, happiness, and your overall love of yourself! There’s nothing like being able to build your self esteem and know that you are worthy to be loved. It all starts with you! Letting go of negative thoughts and allowing room for only positivity will change your mindset for the better!

It’s so important as women to lift each other up and offer means of support and confidence as much as we can. That said, these affirmations for self love to boost your confidence are perfect for men and children, too! Practice them with your whole family!

If you’re ready to start your journey to self-love? Keep reading!


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Here are affirmations for self love to boost your confidence and add to your daily routine.

RELATED: Love Yourself Quotes from 4 Famous Black Women That Will Inspire You

Affirmations for Self Love, You Need!

  1. I love my body and everything it does for me.

  2. I respect my own boundaries.

  3. Today, I choose me.

  4. I love who I am.

  5. I can reach my goals.

  6. My love for myself is unconditional.

  7. I don’t let fear get in my way.

  8. I am full of gratitude.

  9. I am loved by those around me.

  10. I deserve to love and be loved.

  11. I will be kind to myself.

  12. I am beautiful from the inside out.

  13. I have everything I need already within.

  14. I control my happiness.

  15. I take time for self-care.

  16. I love and accept all of who I am.

  17. I am easy to love.

  18. I am enough.

  19. I am worthy of love.

  20. I have inner strength and resilience.

  21. I have all the tools I need for success.

  22. I have a limitless capacity for love.

  23. I release negative people from my life.

  24. I don’t let the past control my future.

  25. Each day is an opportunity for growth.

  26. I learn from and forgive my mistakes.

  27. I am a work of art.

  28. I am valuable.

  29. I allow myself to feel my emotions.

  30. I always try my best.

  31. I have many great accomplishments.

  32. I have respect for myself.

  33. I am open to receive love.

  34. I love the body I was born with.

  35. If I set my mind to it, I can achieve anything.

  36. I can overcome all of my challenges.

  37. My heart is open, warm and caring.

  38. I am exactly who I need to be in this moment.

  39. I send love to my fears and doubts.

  40. I refuse negativity.

  41. I have confidence in myself.

  42. I give myself permission to say no.

  43. I let go of things that no longer work in my life.

  44. I accept compliments with ease.

  45. I embrace peace and release the need for suffering.

  46. I have a lot to offer.

  47. Everything that makes me who I am is beautiful.

  48. My life is filled with love and joy.

  49. I keep balance and harmony in my life.

  50. I have a positive relationship with my body.

  51. I choose self-love, always.

  52. I have the power to change.

  53. I don’t apologize for who I am.

  54. My mistakes don’t define me.

  55. Others accept and love me for who I am.

  56. I make myself a priority.

  57. I exude confidence.

  58. I fill my mind with loving thoughts.

  59. I have good people in my life.

  60. I embrace love.

  61. My love for myself grows each day.

  62. I let love flow freely from within.

  63. I have compassion for myself, even when I don’t succeed.

  64. I honor the path of my life.

  65. There are endless opportunities for happiness and success.

  66. I reward myself for my hard work and dedication.

  67. I am balanced.

  68. I know my limits and respect them.

  69. There is so much to love about me.

  70. My life reflects the love I have inside me.

  71. I only need approval from myself.

  72. I love my own company.

  73. I am worthy, period.

  74. I attract love and light.

  75. I don’t judge myself.

  76. I will love myself more today.

  77. I can love completely and fully.

  78. I treat my body with kindness and love.

  79. I am confident, I am powerful.

  80. I can do hard things.

  81. I trust my intuition.

  82. I am supported by the Universe.

  83. When I love myself I am able to love others.

  84. I have a positive effect on those around me.

  85. There is so much for me to celebrate.

  86. I am proud of who I am.

  87. I look at life through a positive lens.

  88. My body is a temple.

  89. I advocate for my health.

  90. I am the ruler of my life.

  91. I am love.

  92. I embrace my individuality and uniqueness.

  93. I deserve all good things.

  94. I don’t engage in negative self talk.

  95. I am whole.

RELATED: 55 Morning Affirmations and Quotes for Black Women to Empower Themselves Daily

Do Self Love Affirmations Work?

Yes! Self love is so important, especially in today’s world where we are bombarded with constant comparison and idyllic, but sometimes unrealistic social media snippets of other people’s lives. Every now and then, we need to take time to detox from these platforms and speak positivity into our hearts and minds.

Self love affirmations have helped me to re-center and remember my own personal worth, accomplishments and capabilities.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it. As I mentioned above, positive affirmations, including those for self love, are backed by the science of positive psychology. For these affirmations to work, recite them often and open your mind to change and improvement.

This holds true for ALL positive affirmations, including affirmations for confidence and affirmations for power.

RELATED: 55 Action Affirmations You Need to Get Things Done Today!

How Can I Practice Affirmations for Self Love?

The best way to practice affirmations for self worth is to keep them in plain view and have specific times each day to recite them. I like to jot them down on sticky notes and keep them up on my wall or mirror so they greet me as a reminder each morning.

You can also use a chalkboard, dry erase board or posters. Whatever makes the most sense for your daily routine.

Have I convinced you to try these affirmations for self love? Let me know which ones are your favorite and how you plan to practice positivity in your day to day life!

If you liked these affirmations for self love, you’ll love my growing archive of positive affirmations for women (and men), including affirmations for confidence and affirmations for power. Check them out here, and don’t miss my tips for beauty and body confidence, setting goals, and relaxation and stress relief.

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